
IRC 2024

Defying all the odds Team Anveshak emerged first runner up in IRC'24 and champions of Autonomous Mission.


University Rover Challenge 2019

we designed the next generation Mars rover that will one day work along with the astronauts to explore the red planet. Ended up as one of the top 12 teams in the world out of more than 84+ teams.


Mars Society South Asia (MSSA) Hackathon

visualised mars in a different perspective, focusing on human survival and analyse the possibility of colonisation. In this competition our rover got ranked 12

Indian Rover Designing Challenge 2020 (IRDC)

we designed the next generation Mars rover which shall be fully equipped and mission ready for future astronaut-assistive exploration operations on Mars.

International Rover Design Challenge

designed a rover to explore Martian lava tubes which are expected to have high possibility of existence of life analogous to lava tubes on Earth.


European Rover Challenge (ERC)

Participating in ERC, helped us to work exclusively on the software module and test it on an actual rover virtually.